Novartis Italia
Lorenzo Delmati
Blue Score Music Production
After having created the brand for BioUpper, the first Italian acceleration and training platform to support projects in the field of Life Sciences, the objective of the third edition is to update the visual concept and create an engaging communication strategy, able to communicate both to the young innovators who have already been started.
Development of a brand and communication system that guarantees a wide multi-channel extension interpreting the authoritativeness and the institutional nature of the project promoters, graphically distinguishing the concepts of the two paths.
Since the beginning we have thought of the mind of the scientist: always dynamic and open to change.
The third edition expands and offers important innovations for startuppers and innovators in Life Sciences:
Two parallel paths called Call for Ideas and Call for Scale, respectively.</ strong>
Mission: to invite young scientists to propose their innovative projects in the Life Science field.
The innovators’ faces become the faces of the project: faces “made” of life.
A multichannel identity, unique and recognizable to involve researchers, entrepreneurs, academics, managers and professionals, students.
A strong communication system that asks for the best minds to believe in their ideas, and to continue to believe in their future, in Italy.
The cells represent the original core of an idea, which can become an enterprise with an adequate training in the field, but above all thanks to audacity and courage.